8 Benefits of A Whole Body Massage Chair

8 Benefits of A Whole Body Massage Chair

When you think of a massage chair, you probably picture a luxury recliner to sit in and relax. Sure, they feel great, but there are many more benefits to using massage chairs you might not be aware of.

Modern massage chairs can imitate a number of massage styles, taking a scientific and high-tech approach to providing massages in your own home. These aren’t just novelty products for use in the mall, they offer genuine health and wellbeing benefits.

Different whole body massage chair brands focus on different features. Benefits can vary slightly between one chair and another. We delve into the benefits below.  

8 Benefits of A Whole Body Massage Chair

1. Reduced Stress Levels

Massage chairs can make you feel a lot less stressed.

Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone. It stimulates the “fight or flight” response people experience when put in a pressure situation. If your levels are high, it can be hard to relax. A massage is one of the most effective ways to tackle this problem.

This study showed that cortisol levels dropped an average of 31% after massage therapy. On top of this, dopamine and serotonin levels increased. The end result is a happier and more relaxed state of mind.

2. Fewer Headaches

You might not think of massage therapy as a solution for headaches or migraines. The link isn’t obvious. However, science tells us that massage chairs can lower your chance of getting headaches.

Massages ease the tension carried in your muscles. By reducing tension in your head, shoulders, and around your neck, you can ensure there is less pressure on the nerves and blood vessels supplying them. Less muscle tension means a lower chance of getting headaches. Many top multifunctional massage chairs have specific modes for the neck and shoulders.

The Fujita SMK9700 3D massage chair (https://yourhappychair.com/products/fujita-smk9700-3d-massage-chair) has an extended reach. This means it can access the neck, and an automatic mode to reduce tension in these areas.

3. Pain Relief

Massage therapy can form part of a pain relief and recovery plan. Regularly using a massage chair can decrease pain levels in your body.

Pain is often caused by muscles becoming overly tight. Massaging can effectively relax muscles, joints, and tendons, by reducing tension. In turn, the pain is reduced.

According to Harvard University’s health site, massage helps to “close the pain gate” by stimulating nerve fibers and preventing some pain messages from getting to the brain.

Studies in Annals of Family Medicine found hour-long massage sessions could relieve chronic neck pain when compared to those having shorter massages, or none at all.

Contrary to popular belief, the massage itself doesn’t have to be painful to have a positive impact. Even using the lower settings of your massage chair can reduce the pain you experience long-term.

4. Improved Recovery After Exercise

Your bodies produce lactic acid when you exercise. This causes fatigue and soreness within the muscles. It’s processed naturally by your body so it is not usually a cause for concern. However, many believe that massage is an effective way to flush toxins out of your muscles, including lactic acid.

If you find yourself in pain after exercise, helping to process lactic acid is one of the ways that massage can help, along with relieving the pain.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

Massage chairs can help with hypertension (high blood pressure). This condition impacts 1 in 3 adults in America, and can lead to heart attacks and other health complications.

Numerous studies, including one from the Wirral Metropolitan College Department of Medicine in Liverpool, United Kingdom, show a decrease in blood pressure following massage therapy.

Some massage chairs can help blood flow, too. The Synca JP1100 4D massage chair includes dual heaters, shown to stimulate the tissue and enhance blood circulation.

While massage isn’t a miracle cure for hypertension, it can be a part of a treatment routine including dietary changes and exercise.

6. A Boosted Immune System

Regular massage can boost your immune system and defend you from illness and disease. Research from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles showed that people receiving massages had a higher number of lymphocytes after. These are white blood cells, the type the body uses to fight diseases. 

The same study showed participants had reduced levels of cytokines. These molecules contribute to inflammation, which is associated with asthma, cardiovascular disorders, and even mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

People have claimed massage is good for a healthy lifestyle and to combat illness for many years. New research gives this scientific credibility.

7. Massage On-Demand

Having access to a massage chair allows you to get a massage whenever you want. If you have aches and pains one day, you don’t have to try and get a short-notice appointment with a massage therapist to get the best full body massage possible.

Similarly, if you find a massage helpful after exercise, you don’t have to create a specific routine. Whenever you choose to go for a workout, your massage chair can be ready for you afterward.

8. Saving on Regular Massages

Getting a massage is expensive. Any whole body massage chair price is likely to be far more than the price of a massage. However, if you choose to replace your massages with the use of a chair, you can save money in the long run. A well-made massage chair can last many years.

According to the University of Minnesota, the average cost of a massage in the US is $60 per hour. At this rate, two hours per week would equate to over $6,000 yearly. Prices vary depending on location and availability, but a massage chair is likely to provide better value over time.

Are Massage Chairs Bad For You? A Massage Myth Debunked

Some people believe that massage chairs are bad for you. The truth is that as long as they are used correctly, massage chairs are low risk. 

It is possible to sustain injuries when using your massage chair. This usually only happens through incorrect use. If you follow manufacturer guidelines and the instructions that come with your chair, the chances of injury are slim.

Another way that a massage chair can cause pain and bruising is through overuse. It is possible to injure yourself by spending too many hours using the massage settings on your chair, especially without varying settings. Don’t use the massage functions for multiple hours daily, especially not on the same areas of the body. 

Fortunately, massage chairs are comfortable even when you aren’t using specific massage settings. You don’t have to limit how long you are sitting in the chair, just how long you use the massage functions.

Massage chairs in themselves don’t pose a risk as long as you use them sensibly.

To Sum Up

Massage chair technology has come a long way in recent years. The products on today’s market are an alternative to a massage from a professional. Plus, you don’t have to go to a massage therapist or wait for them to be available. 

Along with the health benefits listed, many massage chairs come packed with tech features. Some include heaters and inbuilt speakers. Who would have thought that something so fun could be so good for you?