How many types of massage chair are there?

How many types of massage chair are there?

We will help you to categorize massage chair in different types so you have foundation knowledge to decide what kind of massage chair that suits you (and your family members) best.

Generally, the types of massage chair are defined by the components and features of it. To be specific, we need to look at 3 things in order to categorize them: the rollers, the track, and features of a massage chair.

3 types of massage chair based on 3 types of massage rollers: 2D - 3D - 4D

For a deeper, more realistic massage experience, massage chair manufacturers are still looking to enhance the depth and precision of the rollers. With that in mind, you'll see that there are chairs with three-dimensional options – 2D, 3D, and 4D. Each of these roller mechanisms is designed to penetrate at various levels.

2D 3D 4D
Movement Horizontally and vertically => rollers massage your surface muscles and back without getting deep to the muscles underneath. Horizontally, vertically, and diagonally => rollers let you control the intensity of your massage
  • Horizontally, vertically, and diagonally => rollers let you control the intensity of your massage
  • Has 1 more dimension that is speed/rhythm - the rollers vary their speed (rhythm) to replicate the dynamic speeds a massage therapist might use => rollers can speed up or slow down to provide a more lifelike feeling.
Intensity The least intense More intense Deep tissue massage
Price Cheapest Middle Highest
  • Conventional style
  • A frequent user or someone who is not looking for an extraordinarily deep massage
  • Relaxing experience
  • Found in the majority of massage chairs in the market today
  • Deep tissue and gentle massage
  • For the greatest level of penetration and precise massage
  • Can turn and hit different angles that the 3D rollers can’t

The advent of 3D/4D rollers allows the user to adjust the depth of the rollers to make the massage experience more or less intense. If you would like a stronger massage but another person in your family or business would prefer something more gentle, the 3D/4D feature allows for that depth/intensity variability.

Is there such a major difference between 3D and 4D?

In a 4D massage, rollers will automatically speed up or slow down to focus on stressed muscles. The aim was to make the chair more capable of replicating the massage that the therapist would give. Many of these chairs combine this function with the L-Track, which means they can take care of your hamstrings, glutes, and go all the way up to the top of your spine.

4D massage chair is the most expensive one but does it worth the cost?

It's up to you because the deciding factor is how often you will use the chair and what you can afford. They can be worth the investment if you have the budget for a 4D massage chair and can use it frequently to relax your very tight muscles. However you can always receive an exceptional massage from a 3D chair if your budget is smaller.

2 types of massage chair based on 2 types of massage track: S - L


The S-Track is the more common term than L-track in massage chair industry. The S-track massage chair have been designed with a roller track that follows the natural curve of your spine: starting at the base of your skull and going down to the top of your buttocks. The S-Track is seen in the majority of high quality chairs currently available.

The advantage of the pure S-track chair is that you get a better stretch program and airbags that operate on your seat.


The L-track massage chair is an innovation from the S-track. It is shaped like an L and it extends the S-track down further, continues into the seat of the chair to massage your glutes, piriformis, and hamstrings.

The advantage of the L-track is that your buttock muscles are massaged by rollers.

Which track is better and more expensive?

It depends on your choice. The L-track is the perfect option if you want to get your butt muscles massaged, i.e. glutes, piriformis, and top of the hamstrings. The drawback of the L-track is that the stretch program is not as strong as an S-track. So, it depends on what is more important to you: buttock massage or stretch program. Some people love the L-track, some couldn't care less about it and will get an S-track if the chair has everything they want and it feels right.

Costs for both can differ. Good 3D L-track chairs will cost up to $8000, while S-track chairs are similarly priced at the top of the line. You can also get lower priced versions of both depends on your interests and budget.

Are there chairs called LS track that uses both techniques?

All L-track chairs also have the S-track along the spine. So, every L-track chair is, in fact, an SL-track chair. By saying "SL-track" as if it were different from an L-track when they are the same thing, we think some businesses muddy the water a little bit.

Different types of massage chair based on Features

  • Zero Gravity Massage Chair

Almost all of the massage chairs on the market offer a reclining feature. Not all of them, however, will recline to zero gravity. This position, established by NASA, is achieved when your legs are raised to a level above your heart. The aim of this position is to relieve some of the tension on your joints, which is applied by gravity, and to rest your body weight on the back of your chair and intensify your massage.

This feature gives you more relaxing, deeper, full-body massage through this optimal position. Some chairs also have one-touch zero gravity features, as well as two zero gravity stages. There are also a few chairs that offer inversion therapy that lifts the legs even higher for better circulation, which can be helpful for those with lower extremity swelling.

You can take a look at some zero gravity massage chairs here.

There are more types of massage chair that you can consider:

Important features to look for in a massage chair

If you are buying a massage chair for comfort and relaxation or coping with a condition of pain such as sciatica, low back pain, headaches, painful mid back pain, or neck pain, you may want to make sure that the following settings are (at least) available:

  • KNEADING: From the middle of the spine outward, kneading rolls and feels like two hands rubbing your back alternately. A kneading massage is an ideal way to reduce tension and provide a break to your overworked back muscles.
  • PERCUSSION/TAPPING: This feature is similar to the chopping technique that a massage therapist apply to customers' back. It helps your blood flow easily and it's particularly good if you’ve been doing a lot of intense exercise.
  • S/L-TRACK: We mentioned above.
  • 3D/4D ROLLERS: We mentioned above.
  • FOOT ROLLERS: Nearly every massage chair nowadays comes with foot rollers. There are smaller rollers that are located at the base of the foot massage system so that they can massage the soles of your feet (anywhere from 1-3 rollers per foot, generally). The rollers remain in one spot and work on the arches, heels, and foot pads. If your feet are sensitive to touch, you might want to ask about foam pads to place under your feet. The work of foot rollers is similar to reflexology concepts.
  • STRETCH PROGRAM: Stretch programs on most chairs today have become pretty much the norm. The stretch program is one of our clients' most enjoyed automatic programs, particularly the S-track chairs. It can be really soothing since it basically involves the chair back and the ottoman going up and down into extension to “milk” the discs to keep them moving and hydrated.
  • AIRBAG MASSAGE: You know how great airbags feel if you've ever had a good foot and calf massage, arm massage, or seat massage. Chairs that come with airbags nowadays can even massage your shoulders, shift your seat from side to side, work on your slumping posture and massage your head!

Many new chairs are now available with additional creative features such as:

  • Arm rests that open like car doors
  • Inversion
  • Alexa and/or Google enabled voice activation
  • Android & Apple apps to run your chair from your device of choice,
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ionizer
  • Wireless remote controls
  • Rolling
  • Plastic/wood/faux leather chair coverings
  • Chromotherapy (lights on the chair body)
  • BlueTooth music systems
  • Head massagers

They are all pretty cool features, but you need to determine which features make the most sense to you and what is important to you. More features means more money. Therefore, if budget is what you really need to consider, you may not be able to get all the features we've mentioned above.

We hope that this article will help you to have more knowledge and confidence in choosing the type of massage chair that works best for you and your dear family.