9 Reasons Why You Need A Body Massage Chair

9 Reasons Why You Need A Body Massage Chair

 Improving your comfort and relaxation are good enough reasons to buy a body massage chair. However, if you need more justification, there are many other reasons to get a massage chair. The benefits go far beyond feeling great and helping you to relax while you watch a movie.

In this guide we’re looking at some of the reasons massage chairs are such a good investment. You can enhance your mental health and physical health, and enjoy every second of it.

1. Recover From Workouts Quicker

It’s clear why professional sports teams and athletes use massages as part of their recovery. Massages can help with recovery in many ways. They can relieve aches and pains, but massage therapy can also heal inflamed muscles.

A study by McMaster University and further examined by The Atlantic shows the benefits. A massage reduced signs of inflammation and microscopic tears in 10 minutes.

The conclusion of the study is that massage aids recovery “by activating molecules that reduce inflammation and promote mitochondrial growth”.

Having a massage chair at home means that you can enjoy a massage whenever you think it would help. You don’t have to time your massages and make sure that you work out first. Instead, you can jump in the chair and select your massage mode at any time.

2. A Massage Chair Can Aid Sleep

Cleveland Clinic estimates that 70 million people in the US have a sleep disorder. Insomnia and sleep apnea are common.

A massage can be a great way to unwind and feel ready for sleep. Few people have access to a massage therapist, so a full body massage chair can be an answer. This way, you can get a massage late at night and go straight to bed.

If you’ve fallen asleep during a massage before you’ll know that it can make you sleepy. How does this actually work?

Beata Maciejewska, a massage expert, says it might be because a massage stimulates serotonin production. Serotonin is a hormone that the body may turn into melatonin, which makes us sleepy. You can read more in her interview with Harper’s Bazaar.

3. Reduce Stress and Feel More Relaxed

If you have ever tried out a body massage chair for sale in a local store you’ll know that it can make you relaxed. 

Stress is linked to sleep, too. High stress levels may come from cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that your brain makes when it feels pressure. High levels can cause insomnia, and low mood.

Mental and physical stress are closely linked. When you are stressed, you carry this in your muscles. If you feel stressed or anxious you may notice your body tightening. Massage is a fantastic way to combat this.

Lots of types of massage can help with stress. Deep tissue massage, Swedish massage and even pressure point massages have been shown to reduce cortisol. 

Getting the right massage chair gives you options for different types of massage. The Palisade 3D/4D features compression and deep tissue rollers. If you feel you carry your tension in certain muscles you can target these by choosing an area and style of massage to focus on.

Many hormones contribute to relaxation. These include endorphins. The body releases these during massage. According to Healthline.com, massage can also increase “oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin.”

Not only does this lead to more of a feeling of relaxation, it can increase your mental health and wellbeing. 

4. Banish Back Pain

A massage can be one of the best ways to treat back pain. It also has no downside to your health. Constantly taking anti-inflammatory pills to try and help can damage your organs and cause illness.

This study estimates that 8% of all Americans experience persistent back pain. For these people, dealing with the body massage chair cost is an investment.

You don’t have to be a chronic sufferer to benefit, either. Almost everyone experiences back pain from time-to-time. You can hurt your back by running on uneven ground or even bending over.

How does a massage chair actually help?

Every massage chair focuses on the spine. An L track or S track of rollers can provide deep tissue massage in all areas of your back. Many 3D and 4D chairs reach the neck, too. The lumbar area is key and almost all chairs have rollers to help and support your lumbar region.

A study by the University of Kentucky and Indiana shows that massage helps lower back pain. The study had 104 participants. They all had 10 massage sessions over 12 weeks, and 50% of those participants felt better as a result. 75% of those who felt better said they still felt the improvements after 24 weeks.

Plenty of other studies have similar findings. A meta analysis study looked at 25 research trials on the subject. It found that there is a lot of evidence that massage is a great treatment for back pain. 

Massage chairs vary in features and functions. However, all will have rollers to help your back. A body massage chair pad can be a more affordable solution. These usually have nodes instead of rollers. They’re not usually as effective, but they are far cheaper.

5. Increase Circulation

Bad circulation can cause your nails to turn brittle or skin to dry out. In extreme examples, it can make your hair fall out. If your feet and hands are often cold, you may have bad circulation.

Your massage chair can help with your blood circulation. The rollers can create friction on the skin. This in turn can stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation. The impacts of this include more energy and muscle strength. Lymphatic circulation can also help to reduce toxins and “flush out” your body.

Many types of massage help circulation in different ways. Loosening tension in certain muscles can let blood flow more effectively.

An effect of massage called “capillarisation” takes place. Physio.co.uk explains this process, where the number of capillaries around a muscle increases the blood flow. This increases the oxygen and nutrients reaching that muscle.

6. Reduced Blood Pressure


This is a medical benefit of massage. If you have high blood pressure you are at risk of complications. Studies on massages reducing your blood pressure are promising.

Some studies have shown that certain types of massage are better for decreasing blood pressure. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that Swedish massage was effective at combating high blood pressure. Some sports massages didn’t have this effect.

One study looked at myofascial trigger-point massage for hypertension (high blood pressure). It showed long-term benefits to diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The study from the Wirral Metropolitan College Department of Medicine in the UK also showed decreased heart rate in subjects.

You can’t see massage as a miracle cure. Combine massage with dietary changes and getting more exercise. Combined, these steps can aid your battle against hypertension.

7. Give Your Immune System a Boost

Massage chairs can help your immune system in many ways. This is a knock-on effect of other benefits of massage chairs.

For instance, the lower levels of cortisol means you are less likely to get ill or injured. Cortisol has many complications. These include digestive issues, sleep problems, memory trouble and headaches. A 60 minute massage can reduce cortisol levels by 30%

As we have already mentioned, the increased blood flow and the fact that massage helps to flush out toxins can also help. Massage stimulates white blood cells and these fight off diseases they come into contact with. 

The combined benefits of massage chairs add up to increased immunity, and increased wellbeing.

8. Experience Zero Gravity (Almost)

Many massage chairs include the zero gravity position. This is a reclining position to mimic the feeling of weightlessness or zero gravity.

Of course, the chair doesn’t actually stop gravity. You feel this way because of a clever way to distribute weight. The posture is the same as astronauts during takeoff. The process causes a big increase in gravity and can put stress on the body. The reclined position reduces this and keeps the astronauts safe.

This is the inspiration behind zero gravity chairs. You can enjoy even weight distribution during your massage, and there’s a lot less pressure on your body. 

This reduction in stress means a more intense massage, and you can feel relatively weightless. It isn’t like going into space, but a zero gravity chair adds a new dimension to your enjoyment and relaxation.

9. Massage Chairs Are Fun

This is one of the top reasons why people buy massage chairs. On top of the medical and lifestyle benefits, they are very enjoyable.

Lots of us look forward to getting a massage at the end of a hard day. It feels fantastic. Some massage chairs have even more fun features like inbuilt speakers, or the option to connect to your phone.

Body massage chairs can massage your legs, arms, back, and some even focus on your feet. The Palisade 3D/4D chair has a rocking motion and zero gravity modes. There are hundreds of ways you can use the chair to your enjoyment. If you want a great chair to sit in while you watch television, a massage chair is a great choice.

How Long Should I Sit in a Massage Chair?

There is no limit to how long you should sit in a massage chair, especially if you aren’t using the massage features constantly. 

Using massage modes for too long can give you extra aches and pains or damage muscles. Don’t focus on one area for too long.

A lot of people stick to a maximum of 30 minutes per day in the massage chair. You can use it for longer, especially if you rotate the parts of your body you focus on. One day you might just use the arm and leg massage functions. You can enjoy a massage chair even if you don’t switch the rollers on.

If your massage chair starts to cause pain, cut down the use. Also, if you have a medical condition which might cause complications, like osteoporosis, consult a physician before you use a massage chair at all.

Is a Massage Chair Worth The Money?

There is an initial outlay when you buy a massage chair. Do the reasons for having a massage chair mean it is worthwhile?

Full body massage chair costs vary. The more features you want from your massage chair the more expensive it is likely to be. You can choose which chair to buy based on your budget, but remember that it may also save you money.

If you are going to a massage therapist once or twice a week, you may choose not to do this alongside your massage chair. The benefits are the same. 

The University of Minnesota claims the average cost of a massage is $60 per hour in the US. This varies depending on where in the US you live. Over the course of a year or two, this is a significant saving. Your massage chair can last decades if you look after it.

When you factor in the health benefits, a massage chair is more than worth it for most people. If two or more people will be using it, it is even better value. 

Do I Need a Heated Massage Chair?

All massage chairs have different features. Some use heat as an added form of therapy. It isn’t essential, but heat is another useful tool for massage chairs.

Heat opens up blood vessels in the body. This can help muscles to heal and relieve pain. People with arthritis might also benefit from heat therapies.


Most people experience many benefits when they use a massage chair. New scientific studies are showing evidence of this. Your reason for getting one might be to help with your health or wellbeing, or it might be because you want to experience the ultimate state of relaxation.

The Palisade 3D/4D chair gives even more reasons to buy a massage chair. It can link to your phone (charging it at the same time) and has a zero gravity position. It also massages your arms and legs, and uses lumbar heat to improve recovery times and ease pain.